Tuesday, August 5

Hows about a cuppa joe

My close friend sham is a walking talking sitcom. Apparent by his recent trip to beijing, china, he recounted a few of his many incidents while he was there. There was one that is still memorable and still tickle my funny bones was his story with the barista in a Starbucks at the airport.

Encountering too many difficulties with the locals, language-wise he can't speak mandarin to save his life even though the wanker is a cibai (as explained in my previous post) so he used english at a bare minimum. He ordered a cuppa coffee and a sandwich and when he got them the sandwich wasn't hot anymore. Off he went to the counter with the plate of sandwich.

At the counter he called the barista, held up that plate with his left hand, tapping the sandwich with his right and said "hot". The barista took the plate from him touched, yes he actually touched the sandwich with his hand and with an incredulous stare at my friend saying " no...cold" giving back the plate to him. Again hoping against hope that the barista would understand the second time around what he wanted, he repeated the same action giving a reason to the barista to have this look on his face wondering whether the idiot in front of him is a retard or what and is he for real. And surprise surprise, he got the same response from the barista which is in the negative with an emphasive on the its cold you moron(minus the moron off course).

Giving up, he decided to switch to sign language. Pointed to the barista with his index finger then to his plate of sandwich and then he pointed to the microwave. He then made the action of putting the plate into the microwave closed the imaginary door, did the "tit-tit-tit" sound as he is punching the timer, followed by making a "whrrrrrr" sound while twirling his index finger in a circular motion and finishing it all off with a loud "Ting!!!". To which the barista then said "Oh you mean reheat?"

Wish i was there to see his face when that happened. Solid gold.

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