Thursday, July 31

Sneezing my brains out thru my nose and coughing my lungs out thru my throat

Welcoming the month of august with a possible dengue infection.


And i was so looking forward to august. All started with my nose that thinks its a leaky faucet. All the travel back and forth to the bathroom just to blow everything out were in vain cos in mere seconds its dripping all over my hands and clothes. Oozing and dripping down my lips and chin.

Day 1
Usually when i have the flu i'd take clarinase, pop in a pill, rest and sleep a few hours and ur nose'll be dry like the kalahari desert when u wake up. Well at least thats how it works for me. And it did work for a few hours, was dry thruout the day. As i laid down to sleep that nite, its like that leaky faucet drip drip dripping away in the toilet, annoying the heck out of u cos u can hear it. Well suffice to say everytime i breathe in thru my nose that nite, i'll be swallowing my own snot.

Day 2
Cant breathe, cant sleep, when i did eventually go to sleep it was already morning. The sneezing and blowing my nose thruout the day really drained me and taking clarinase doesnt help either. Tried something stronger did knocked me out and it helps for awhile but come nite same thing happened. Cant really sleep when u cant breathe.

Day 3
Guessing the lack of sleep and the amount of phlegm i've collected in my throat, coughing and fever is inevitable. Joints aching and i'd have this headache when i cough too hard, feels like it pulls the side of my forehead. Sleep was lacking again that nite. Wud be awake every half hour, either from a cough, a sneeze and at one time i was shaking even though there wasnt any fan pointing at me.

Day 4
Dad offered to bring me to the clinic, but was feeling ok by morning so i declined. Spend the day either sleeping or watching the tube. Was good and a much needed R&R and i even went to see the awesomeness that is the dark knight on imax theatre at 9pm. But when i drove back just now, had to close the aircon cos the cold is making my joints ache. And later I feel my body getting warmer and i get cold feet. Had to change into thicker and clothing and wear a sock.

Day 5
Its close to 5am in the morning cant sleep, coughing and slurping my snot. Been reading the symptoms of dengue online, well if i dont get well soon i guess i've got to go to the clinic get my blood checked makes sure everything is everything. But keeping my fingers crossed and hoping for the best

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