Sunday, November 26

The girl i brought home

Found this in myspace which i wrote 2 years ago. Not in the mood to write PC acting funny again been that way for the past month plus but really gotta put this one up here.


Last saturday went for sahur in D'sara Jaya. After sahur about to go back home, i saw her sitting near the stairs. Knew she was of mixed blood so i cant help not to say hello to her, i mean with her beautiful hair and her cute face who could have resisted. When i 1st approached her she was a bit shy. Malu-malu kucing they say. Spent a few minutes chatting her up and getting friendly with her. When its time to say goodbye, she ran down the stairs and i thought to myself that'll be the last time i ever get to see her. I didnt even get a name out of her much less knows where she lived.

Walked towards my car, i noticed that she was following me from a safe distance. Unable to contain myself, i went up to her and took her back with me. Next destination, home!!! As i neared home i came to thinking, what will mom say if she knew i brought a girl home moreover let her spend the nite in my room. I'd be in hot water i tell ya! Well guess thats the bridge i hafta cross when the time comes. Just hope that it wont crumble under me. As for now while driving i just couldnt keep my hands off of her. Gerammm!!!!!!

Pulled up in front of the house, the lights were off. Good, just my luck everyone is still asleep. Not discounting the fact that its 5am in the morning, but still, mom could have been up having her sahur. We sneaked straight into my bedroom and i went to the kitchen to get her something to eat and drink. After eating she shied away from me. I tried to hold her she would back away towards my bed and have a worried look on her face. At last i gave up and just lie there on the floor whle looking at her.

She just laid there near the bed never taking her eyes off of me. If i tried making a move towards her she would back away as fast as possible. So trying to gain her trust i just didnt do nothing, until after about 10 minutes of having staring at each other she came up to me and nudged her nose against my cheek while i laid there.

It was already 9am and i havent even slept a wink, ever so slowly im begining to feel the effects of it. Decided to wake my sister up and i told my sis about our 'guest'. Ask if my sister cud keep our 'guest' in her room for awhile and figure out what to do with the guest later. My sister said mom would not allow our "guest" to stay because she doesnt like her kind. Told my sis i'll send our 'guest' back to the place i found her and we'll have to part ways then if so.

Woke up that afternoon found that mom had a fit about the 'guest'. But luckily somehow she didnt object about the 'guest' staying with us. She even gave an idea on what to call her. Im suprised because she is afraid of cats but i guess she cant say no to this one. Well my sister already spent alot on her cage, toys,foods and de-worming her and all, she wouldnt want to dissapoint them. So right now Maggie a.k.a Cek Mek is a proud member of the family.

Been 2 wonderful years she's been with us. The vet told us when we found her she is about 3 months plus so that wud make her 2 years and 3 months old now. She has her quirks perangai n sombong as ever but still cant keep my hands off. GERAMMMMMM!!!!


Mme RoSsé said...


lucky me
i knew already wut kind of a guy you are...

or else i would be thinking...

'bulan ramadhan pun nak buat maksiat....'

is she still as naughty as the nonfurry brader?

Unknown said...

sial je ko