Wednesday, March 29

Its not what you see but how you see it


Adoiiiii kelakar sometimes...kalau tgk the pic above theres nothing funny about it pun. One day my frens and i went for a drink kat tmn mayang near the old lim kok wing. Went to 'williams' superb food kinda pricy for a roadside stall but the taste is worth the price, from western to siam, u name it he'll get it done...well anyways had one of those long session talking and after we were done it was almost 2. Wasnt driving at the time so azril had to fetch me home. And as we were nearing the roundabout near my house, in my fatigue was trying to make out what the advert was saying. Cos the 1st thing that i saw was "B...E...R...........A....H" my view was obscured by the lamp post so i asked azril "apa tuh? ber....ah". As we got nearer i burst out laughing and azril was asking me why? I saw this....


So the advert was actually telling us to take a crap sebaik mungkin. We were pising ourselves laughing for a good 5 minute. Can hear it now the advert for it "Minum milo tinja anda jadi....hitam berkilat!!!

ariff maximus

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