Monday, September 26

Im quarter chinese

Hmm let see now what to write for my 1st blog over here, well would like to convey my thanks to mr poker a.k.a sekinchan a.k.a incik amat for encouraging me to start blogging here. I'm neither an accomplished writer nor do I have a flair for writing or the passion for it. But on the occasion that I do finally come down to it, I find that by writing, its like someone has so eloquently put it, its a form of mental salvation. I dont really mind that some stranger is reading about me, its not like Im gonna put my intimates of intimates up here. Tis a place where I could vent out write for the sake of writing not for the sole reason of wanting other people to read, but an archives for me where I can go back to reminisce or laugh my freaking ass off.

Talking about remembering something, I kinda remembered a good buddy of mine Sham, He's a self-proclaim Cibai (Chinese + Bai hehe not dissing the fella he admitted it himself, he knows I love him like a brother). He came over to my house one fine night, I cant remember for what though maybe to use the toilet I guess. Damn you think my house is a public toilet ahh!!?? Well anyways as we were heading out, he happen to lay his eyes on some envelopes on the table next to the door. Then he remarked "Hey Ariff, I didnt know you were quarter chinese" to which i replied "Huh!? What made you say that?" He pointed to the envelope and said "Well it says there its addressed to Hassan Wan Abdullah Hwa"

I picked up the letter and sure enough in bold and caps its HASSAN WAN ABDULLAH HWA. Told my friend Sham that my father never mentioned the fact that my grandpa was chinese and I never met him before, he passed away long before I was born. I was musing over it and reading it over and over for a full 5 minutes then it hit me, "Woi its my father's initial lah you fool!""Oh yeah!!!" we laughed our ass off after that. Always could bring a smile remembering that incident. Well anyways I guess thats all for now for my first post.


1 comment:

max said...

hahaha toche toche..but unfortunately didnt get to see ur extended family at the time...sorok manalah ur cats if they were around sure kena CPR Cium Peluk Ramas and then some....gomol mengomoli sure masuk picture...hahahah